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Our reviews

(292 Reviews)
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July 23, 2024
as we have come to expect the food is always good.

July 20, 2024
Most of the food was fine, however, the deep fried prawns were so overdone, dried out, and tough they wound up in the garbage.

July 12, 2024
Was very good

July 06, 2024
Service was good! Food wasn’t great. Could really taste the grease (tasted burnt/old) and afterwards all of our mouths were very dry

July 06, 2024
Was very tasty

June 28, 2024
Excellent food and great customer service. Thank you.

June 09, 2024
Very good food, tastes fresh, was not overly greasy and salty like most Chinese food places.

May 18, 2024
Excellent food! Goodview is our go-to place for Chinese.

May 15, 2024
Thank you very much for a nice Mother's Day meal

May 12, 2024
Definitely LOVE the hot and sour soup!! Will definitely keep come back again and again:)